Welcome to the BUILDING RECORD SEARCH application process.
Once the application is completed, an application number will be issued to the applicant where it can be viewed with all
folders held by the account holder in their MyTownship profile.
Please note the following application conditions:
- Users can apply using a MyTownship profile .
- All *mandatory fields must be completed.
This service allows you to request a search from the Township of Langley (the "Township") for specific building records for a property ("Information"). By continuing with the application, you acknowledge, agree to, accept, and otherwise consent to the following conditions:
- A non-refundable administration fee of $25 will be applied to all Building Record Search requests and must be paid prior to the Permit, Licence & Inspection Services Department commencing the search. Additional fees for copies, survey certificates and research over 15 minutes may also apply. When it is determined that the search will exceed 15 minutes, a fee of $63 plus applicable tax applies (per hour) and charges for the first hour must be received prior to the Township staff starting their review. The following items can be obtained through this service with an associated fee: copy of a survey certificate, copy of building permit(s), date of accepted final inspection, copy of a site plan (may include well and septic locations if applicable), copies of drawings (to confirm square footage of the building). The Information is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, on the condition that you meet the requirements for receipt of such Information. The Township provides no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the Information, its fitness for a particular purpose, or timeliness of a response to a request for Information. The Township is not responsible for costs incurred or damages sustained as a result of errors, deficiencies and/or omissions in the Information or delays in responding to a request for Information.
- There is no guarantee the Information will be available through a search conducted by the Township staff. The Information can be requested for residential, multi-family (townhouse, condominium, apartment), or commercial (includes industrial, institutional) properties. Drawings in respect of a property will only be released to the registered owner of the property or authorized agent (with proof of authorization). If the owner is a company, a director search will be required.
- Any personal information collected in this application will be subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Direct enquiries, questions, or concerns regarding the collection, use, disclosure, or safeguarding of personal information associated with this form may be sent to: Supervisor, Information Privacy, and Records Management, Township of Langley, 20338 65 Ave, Langley, BC V2Y 3J1 foi@tol.ca 604.532.7396.